Jim works well under pressure.
Archive by Author
Attitude During Training Class
Todd seems to believe training classes are vacation time and his attitude during class demonstrates this.
It’s Performance Review Time Again?

It’s not that Time Again, Is it? Unfortunately, I think this is most manager’s first thought when it comes time for annual performance appraisals. The annual performance review is a time for an employee to reflect on the previous year and a time for the manager to take an opportunity to explain what an employee […]
How to Handle Employee Behavior During a Review

We’ve all been there: you knew this was going to be a difficult review, but you thought he would handle it well. You explained your position calmly to her, but she’s getting irate with this performance review. You’re caught in a bad review, now what do you do? There are several things you can do […]
10 Stupid Ways Managers Screw Up Performance Appraisals

Performance review time isn’t fun and sometimes us managers do things to completely screw it up. I know I’ve screwed up when it comes to performance appraisals, but I’m recovering from it. Learn some of the stupid things managers do to screw up the performance appraisal process – and hopefully don’t repeat these mistakes with […]
Sample Performance Appraisal for Customer Service Positions

Customer service is one of most difficult positions to manage – high turnover, unsatisfied employees, large number of employees, difficult situations all add up to a nightmare during performance review time for most supervisors and managers. We provide this sample performance appraisal for customer service positions to help you write performance reviews for your employees. […]
Why Do Companies Implement Performance Appraisal Systems?

There are many reasons companies implement performance appraisal systems and many believe the performance appraisal systems are a valuable part of their organizational structure and company culture. Performance reviews are in place for a lot of reasons, including: Provides a hierarchical management tool. Ranks employees for proper compensation increases and promotions. Provides needed feedback to […]