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10 Stupid Ways Managers Screw Up Performance Appraisals

Performance review time isn’t fun and sometimes us managers do things to completely screw it up. I know I’ve screwed up when it comes to performance appraisals, but I’m recovering from it. Learn some of the stupid things managers do to screw up the performance appraisal process – and hopefully don’t repeat these mistakes with […]

Sample Performance Appraisal for Customer Service Positions

Customer service is one of most difficult positions to manage – high turnover, unsatisfied employees, large number of employees, difficult situations all add up to a nightmare during performance review time for most supervisors and managers. We provide this sample performance appraisal for customer service positions to help you write performance reviews for your employees. […]

Why Do Companies Implement Performance Appraisal Systems?

There are many reasons companies implement performance appraisal systems and many believe the performance appraisal systems are a valuable part of their organizational structure and company culture. Performance reviews are in place for a lot of reasons, including: Provides a hierarchical management tool. Ranks employees for proper compensation increases and promotions. Provides needed feedback to […]