Tag Archives: performance reviews

Cooperation: Sample Performance Review Phrases

Most companies have evolved from a “command and control” structure to one of at least a team based environment, if not a fully matrixed work environment. For the manager, this makes cooperation among teammates and among groups essential for success. For employees, receiving cooperation from other employees and other departments is often the only way […]

Communication: Sample Performance Review Phrases

Communication on teams is essential for high performance and often one of the first things to break down. Team members and managers that promote healthy communication can turn bad situations into good ones, failing projects into successful projects, and poor performers into good employees. As with our other sample performance review phrases articles, we break […]

10 Stupid Ways Managers Screw Up Performance Appraisals

Performance review time isn’t fun and sometimes us managers do things to completely screw it up. I know I’ve screwed up when it comes to performance appraisals, but I’m recovering from it. Learn some of the stupid things managers do to screw up the performance appraisal process – and hopefully don’t repeat these mistakes with […]