14 Accomplishments of a Great Performance Appraisal Process
Many people (including this site) have encouraged dumping the current performance review process and replace it with a more effective system, however, we believe a great performance appraisal process can result in great things.
We actually love the performance review process – when it’s part of an effective performance management cycle. There are some great things that can be accomplished with an effective performance review process, including:
- Motivation through achievement and proper feedback
- Defining and clarifying objectives and goals
- Aims and targets to motivate employees
- Identifying and building personal strengths
- Communication between manager and employee
- Resolve misunderstandings
- Counseling employees to achieve high performance
- Develops quality managers in your organization
- Identify training needs for employees
- Clarify team roles and identify weaknesses and strengths on the team
- Organizational strengths, weaknesses, and training opportunities
- Setting organizational goals and vision and aligning employees to meet them
- Delegation of responsibilities to employees
- Career and succession planning
There are many rewards for a high quality and effective performance management process.
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